Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's in the nose
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Bat punch bowl

Well, the results of the Bat punch poll are up. 'Kapow!' has won. Take that (insert villain here)!! I know it was hard to pick, as really this is only a very select few. Check out some excellent screen captures.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Warm action
So today I got a new toy. And it was free. It's an ancient snow blower. I know it's bad for the environment but I like burning gas. I also have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of fun fixing this one. It looks almost exactly like the one above except rustier. I'm just not sure if it's ever going to snow this year. It was over 10 degrees today and this warm action shows no sign of stopping. Now I have even more reason for wanting it to snow. That is besides the usual reason of fall sucking.
10 degrees,
snow blower,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
ghost face road killah
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lucky solid
Sorry, I'm not good enough at HTML to make this a video.
Not everyone likes surprises. Really?!! I guess I don't.. but what really got me thinking about this commercial was dumb luck. Is this guy lucky? Sort of? I mean sure his fiancee is making out with his Dad, but at least it was before he got married. Then again, I guess it's not so hard to get a divorce anymore.
Man I want a classic Mr. Sub sandwich right now.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
No. Where man?

The results of the favourite Beatle poll are in. Though there was a tie for the lead, I'm astounded that John Lennon only got 0%. I was sure he was more popular than that.
George Harrison,
John Lennon,
Paul McCartney,
Pete Best,
Ringo Starr,
Stuart Sutcliffe,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday fury
Friday, October 16, 2009
At the speed of late

Well, today I had class at 8am. I biked to school and was arriving in good time. It was cold but an exceptionally fast ride, the ground being dry and the street lights cooperating. The sunrise was also pretty nice. Personally I think sunrises are much more beautiful than sunsets, but they're so friggin hard to get up for. Something about crispiness.
Anyways. Pop quiz hotshot, you get to school and realized you left your bike lock at home. This happens occasionally. So I shot the hostage.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Self fulfilling prophesy
So speaking of foregone conclusions, I've been thinking quite a bit about the player interview. I once knew an economics student that had a little theory that if you want to know how you'll do in life, it will be how you can honestly picture yourself in the future. He would argue that if you really want to be a millionaire, just know it's gonna happen, and you'll get there. Most people develop some picture of themselves based on how their parents did, and they end up with some sort of sense of entitlement that meets or slightly exceeds the type of lifestyle they had growing up. I wonder if that target can be raised based on education and understanding. If it's all based on belief or faith that such and such a life can be achieved, does it not seem, at least in a material sense, that the increase of knowledge would help.
Then I start to wonder whether it's all just some desire in the human mind to want to feel there's some control over its own destiny. There's lots of stories of prophets and sages and such. Sages and such. It can be pretty depressing to think we are predestined to be a certain way, all laid out by God and have no control in our lives. It would be nice if I could think we might exercise some control. This is why the first season of Heroes is so excellent. It's like a big fat paradox where if they hadn't tried to stop the future, none of it would have remotely come about.
If there is an end point in these story lines, is that really control then? Are they driving the future by setting their minds to it or are they marionettes in a play? It's also kind of like when the oracle says to Neo to watch out for the vase, and only when he turns to look does he knock it. Rather it's like the whole Matrix thingamabob. Zion destroyed over and over, rebels playing their part in a grand AI scheme. Who is really in control, who is really free?
I suppose if i'm an impoverished college student at thirty, what did I have in my minds eye ten years ago.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009

So today I had a test to do online. It wasn't too bad, except that halfway through I got the blue screen of death. Naturally I had a little panic attack. I suppose I am fortunate though, because after rebooting, the school's fabulous computer system allowed me to resume my test since there was still time left. Never mind what I normally say about the schools computer system. Today it rocks.
blue screen of death,
panic attack,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mane attraction

Well, the results of the Lion King poll are in. I'm not surprised. Admittedly we don't really know how Simba's reign goes, unless someone actually watched those sequels. But Mufasa's reign seemed to be a good one. He had that magic touch, where it didn't really seem like he was doing anything at all, except maybe banishing the Hyenas to that gassy place.
Was that Scars error, collaborating with the hyenas. Or was he just a big douche. It's gotta be tough to rule a place when the weather has an opinion on how you're doing.
I imagine this all must be ripped off of some older story. A bit like Hamlet. Where'd Shakespeare rip that off from. Usurpers to the throne will always make good story I suppose.
I want to know when do the antelopes band together with the zebras to form a more representative system of government. Maybe that happened in the sequel. I didn't see it.
gassy place,
Lion King,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Damp Monday
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Lazy genius of hard work

So a couple of the polls here on the roblog have been to inquire as to what character in such and so a series that you think you are or that you most relate to. I noticed lately that I ask this with basically every show I watch. But usually I have a hard time picking just one character. Sometimes I can't pick anyone. Like CSI Miami. I am no one. Or I try to tell myself I'm a certain character just because I want to be. I just wish I was like Shikamaru, when really I'm Choji, or more probably Rock Lee. Only lazier. Oh well.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Newt Haiku

So I was looking for an old assignment in my computer and came across this .txt file:
muss hair poor poor child
he's clapped on the ear again
a salamander
Thursday, September 17, 2009
movies anymore
Well, I just caught the end of Top Secret on TV. Man that movie was hilarious. They don't make movies like that anymore. Or maybe they do. I don't really see a lot of movies anymore.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Auto tune the Rob.. Ba da dap!
So I frequently have the "autotune the news" theme in my head, which is awesome (thanks sis) and today I was trying to make a conscious effort to talk/sing like that. Needless to say, I couldn't. Oh well.
Monday, September 14, 2009
"He's not coming back"

So Patrick Swayze died. Crazy, all those TPB episodes in-no-way-affiliated will now have a bittersweet irony that i'm just making up. I just saw Point Break for the first time ever this summer. Best movie I ever saw Swayze in. Oh how my life would be different if I'd seen it when I was younger. I mean it's about a gang of surfing bank robbers that gets infiltrated by an undercover cop named 'Johnny Utah'. I'm not making this up. Ok, my life probably wouldn't be any different. But there's lots of trial and tribulation as the lines between friend and foe are blurred in the world of undercover policing. Sure Bodhi is a bank robber and he forced Utah to participate in a botched bank holdup, and he held Utah's girlfriend hostage, but there was... wait... man that guy was a jerk.
bank robbers,
Johnny Utah,
Keanu Reeves,
Patrick Swayze,
Point Break,
Trailer Park Boys,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Speed rebuff
Oh man. One summer of customer service type work and my non-eyecontact skills have gone down the drain. As I walk to and from school I often get strangers saying hi to me because I obviously didn't look antisocial enough. Then I'm all befuddled and stumble out some greeting. Luckily I've got my bike now so I'm going too fast to have a care in the world.
customer service,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
All fibreglass diet

Well, It's been a summer and I'm back to school now. I've not done much apart from work this summer but that's ok. Superfrugality comes naturally to me now. I'll let you all contemplate nature v. nurture without explanation. I suppose I was not completely an automaton, but did work a bit on an old boat from the cottage. It's still not done though and fall is fast approaching. Oh well. I suppose there comes a time in everyones life where they must learn some hard lessons about fibreglass.
hard lessons,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The self evident advantages of variable costing

Can you believe they let us have a 'reference sheet' for our cost test.
The budget tables are on the back.
cheat sheet,
cost accounting,
reference sheet,
variable costing
Monday, April 13, 2009

So I saw Karate Kid II on the weekend. I now know everything about Okinawa. There is something about those overcoming-adversity-through-martial-arts movies. Personally, I've never overcome anything with karate.
There's still time.
Karate Kid,
Karate Kid II,
martial arts,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Off with their heads

You know.. I never seem to go to the gym anymore. I'm often home after classes in the afternoon and think, 'I should go get some exercise', and then I take a nap instead. I figure this is ok because everyone knows the saying 'A man's wisdom can be measured by the frequency of the naps he takes'. Or maybe I just made that up.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring roll

So now I can sit around and contemplate the best route to school. The blue one is obviously the most direct, but it requires some passages on grass and some serious ups and downs. Green is longer, but all smooth and nice, and I can go really fast. The red line is my winter walking route, and I like it because it has a striking vista, and it's pretty direct too.
School to route best the contemplate.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well the results of the Dada poll are in. Well, they've been in for a long time, but i'm super lazy. As it turns out, the word Dada doesn't actually come from the word disambiguation. Sorry if anyone was confused. But wouldn't it be nice to pretend that it did? It's almost believable. Almost....
But no surprises, everyone loves the toilet one. As I am prone to say at inopportune times.. 'a day without potty humour is a day where the sun don't shine.'
Monday, March 16, 2009

Well. I went to the gym for the first time since the Y half marathon today. I seemed to have injured my right knee. Luckily it is feeling better now.
Ha. That second sentence is a little ambiguous, as though I may have run the marathon today as opposed to three weeks ago. Just thought I had better clarify.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
For the tee

Well the results of the 2009 Peterborough Vascular Health YMCA Half-Marathon are up. See them here. As you can see I did only very slightly better than last year. I managed to improve my pace by roughly one second. Just 94 more years of such an improvement and I'll win. My body doesn't seem as outraged as last time, and I did manage to beat Peter Bonk this time.
half marathon,
Peter Bonk,
Vascular health,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Super slide
So today as I walked to school, there were many quite glossy surfaces of ice, seeing as yesterday and the day before were pretty warm, and all melty and such. Usually when encountered with such wonderful patches of ice, I run to gather up some speed and try to slide as far as possible. I saw a lady walking quite precariously on a snowbank just to avoid the ice, and thought: 'that's no fun'. Then I was thinking, generally, I don't see many people who run and slide on my walking commute to school. I suppose I can't blame them. Admittedly, when I fall down on occasion it's not so pleasant.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Low rider
The low rider is a little higher
The low rider drives a little slower
Walking home from the gym last week these lyrics ran through my mind. Whenever I finish working out I feel a little higher and move a little slower.
Also whenever I hear the song, this is exactly what I imagine. A Chevy S-10 with flashy chrome rims, a custom paint-job and riding about two inches off the ground... and ever since that CIBC commercial aired, Sue Thomas FBI.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Speed reader
Well the results of the Keanu Reeves movie poll are in. I'm really not surprised at the results. The Matrix movies are an excellent exercise in philosophical thought. I feel I must stress the virtues of Speed though. A classic tale of the struggle between good v. bad, personal sacrifice, a wealth of little catch-phrases, plus Sandra Bullock is a babe. Bill and Ted's is also a classic, and not merely because Napoleon is in it. I also now have an inability to say sok-ruh-teez, having burned sok-reyts into my vocabulary.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lock de-icer
Well, finally on Friday afternoon past, I managed to get my bike unlocked. It was the first day in ages that the temperature was above 0C. It promptly went back down to -25 on Saturday. But I was so extraordinarily pleased to be riding home again. It turns out that it is when I am extraordinarily pleased that exciting things happen to me. So naturally my chain came of while I was testing out the gears causing me to lose my balance and bail most excellently. Did I mention it was above freezing so that it was especially slushy and dirty.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Azure Tuesday
Yesterday was Blue Monday, or so they told me on Daily Planet this morning. I was sad, but I think it was because I was doing tax homework, and not the usual reasons.
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well, this weekend with the help of my younger sibling I replaced the fuel filter in my car. Also the spark plugs. You see, of late, my car has been a real stinker, especially in the cold. And my engine light kept making an appearance. I find diagnosis is the hardest part when it comes to fixing problems with my car. Must be why doctors get paid so much. Anyways, the moral of the story is: Fixing things is fun, and the internet makes it way easier. Ahhh the internet. I have ironic mixed feelings. An exceptional resource and reference, yet as such an effective communication tool it runs contrary to my antisocial doctrines. Well doctrines isn't the right word, but you get it.
fuel filter,
spark plugs,
Thursday, January 15, 2009

So I was watching Smallville again and got thinking about how we ought to destroy all computers now. It is a well proven fact that movies hail artificial intelligence as the potential end to mankind. Usually in movies though people manage to overcome these troublesome computers. Except maybe in the Terminator, where it's more of a resistance. I have less faith in real life mankind.
Anyways. Smallville got me thinking about Brainiac, and how he's such a formidable opponent and I wonder if all this computer angst is just a natural scarediness in people about a changing world, and especially a technologically changing world, where machines and technology seem to be driving forward so fast that it is overwhelming. And it really seems inevitable that computers will start thinking for themselves one of these days. Everyone knows how retarded purely rational thought can be.
Oh well. I guess it wouldn't really be too good for my blog though if I threw my computer in the lake. It's also frozen right now.
artificial intelligence,
super computer,
the Terminator,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Existential Bike

Man. Today it was freakishly cold-like-the-north when I biked to school. Sadly my bike lock would not come apart and had to be warmed under a bathroom hand dryer before it would secure my property (yes I now like to say "secure my property" just for fun). Then when I was ready to go home it was frozen again, a problem I saw coming a mile away, or at least seven hours away.
So I had to walk home.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Squandered Existence
So I saw Rocky on TV the other day. May I say that it is one of the best movies ever. I guess I always love those overcoming-adversity-through-sport movies. Don't mess with a good formula I always say. Take the Pythagorean Theorem. Nobody messes with that bad boy. NOOOOO-body.
Bad Boy,
Mel Lastman,
pythagorean theorem,
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