Well, the results of the Lion King poll are in. I'm not surprised. Admittedly we don't really know how Simba's reign goes, unless someone actually watched those sequels. But Mufasa's reign seemed to be a good one. He had that magic touch, where it didn't really seem like he was doing anything at all, except maybe banishing the Hyenas to that gassy place.
Was that Scars error, collaborating with the hyenas. Or was he just a big douche. It's gotta be tough to rule a place when the weather has an opinion on how you're doing.
I imagine this all must be ripped off of some older story. A bit like Hamlet. Where'd Shakespeare rip that off from. Usurpers to the throne will always make good story I suppose.
I want to know when do the antelopes band together with the zebras to form a more representative system of government. Maybe that happened in the sequel. I didn't see it.
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