So speaking of foregone conclusions, I've been thinking quite a bit about the player interview. I once knew an economics student that had a little theory that if you want to know how you'll do in life, it will be how you can honestly picture yourself in the future. He would argue that if you really want to be a millionaire, just know it's gonna happen, and you'll get there. Most people develop some picture of themselves based on how their parents did, and they end up with some sort of sense of entitlement that meets or slightly exceeds the type of lifestyle they had growing up. I wonder if that target can be raised based on education and understanding. If it's all based on belief or faith that such and such a life can be achieved, does it not seem, at least in a material sense, that the increase of knowledge would help.
Then I start to wonder whether it's all just some desire in the human mind to want to feel there's some control over its own destiny. There's lots of stories of prophets and sages and such. Sages and such. It can be pretty depressing to think we are predestined to be a certain way, all laid out by God and have no control in our lives. It would be nice if I could think we might exercise some control. This is why the first season of Heroes is so excellent. It's like a big fat paradox where if they hadn't tried to stop the future, none of it would have remotely come about.
If there is an end point in these story lines, is that really control then? Are they driving the future by setting their minds to it or are they marionettes in a play? It's also kind of like when the oracle says to Neo to watch out for the vase, and only when he turns to look does he knock it. Rather it's like the whole Matrix thingamabob. Zion destroyed over and over, rebels playing their part in a grand AI scheme. Who is really in control, who is really free?
I suppose if i'm an impoverished college student at thirty, what did I have in my minds eye ten years ago.
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