So I've been watching a lot of Smallville lately. More specifically seasons 9, 6, and 7 in that order. I noticed that season 9 is missing something. Don't get me wrong, I still love it and get a weird giddy pleasure when it gets super cheezy, but it's not the same bubble gum pop you find in the earlier seasons. In season nine, there were no featured WB bands showcased in convenient plot holes. And the product placement is not nearly so blatant (but definitely still there). I suppose I shouldn't complain, because I think there was a lot more story substance than usual. I also thought they did an excellent job of explaining Zod. You know I read somewhere that the best villains are the ones you can, if not sympathize with, at least understand where they came from or why they're like that. Like Lex, If only he hadn't lost his mother and brother under suspect conditions and been raised by a megalomaniacal evil genius, he'd probably be just fine smoking dope on the beach in Malibu with all the other trust fund babies. But Zod,.. yeah people would still kneel before Zod.
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