Thursday, May 29, 2008

New glasses

Today someone told me I looked like Matt Good. I kindly informed him I was going for Rivers Cuomo. Truth be told he might have been

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The zen art of driving Lamborghinis

This title is self evident, but I've been trying really hard to write something about this for a long time.
Chad Kruger's recent conviction is what spurred this post. The subject came up in one of my classes, and one lady was perplexed by the fact that Chad has millions of dollars and doesn't hire a driver. This made me
perplexed. She wasn't joking. Or rather: She wasn't joking!!! I mean I can't condone the chump's DUI, but he has a Lamborghini. No driver is self evident.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I like to graph

Man! I was in the zone in March!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Muscle Beach

So it's spring and the weather is getting nicer, but I still go to the gym. I ride the stationary bike, and run on the stationary treadmill. I couldn't figure it out for a while. I mean, a year ago, the concepts of 'stationary bike' and 'treadmill' were antithetical to my existence. In the winter I could almost appreciate them, but once it is warm and sunny and nice and all, anyone who didn't go outside was a chump. Pumping iron I can see, ... see to the MAXXXXX! but for running or biking? Hrm.. Then it finally hit me. TV. Closed captioning brought to you by Tylenol. Watching Snoop videos while I listen to Yellowcard on my mp3. I don't have any of that at my crumby little basement. I really should go outside, but I'm going anyway for the pumping of iron part, right? So I may as well watch Sue Thomas FBI while I'm there. I'll get a sunburn later when I mow the lawn.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Super Intelligent

So I’m always wondering why Clark Kent isn’t super intelligent. I mean he’s not stupid, but I feel like with his abilities, he’d hardly be in any way of ordinary intelligence. Regular Joes like me can only read so fast. The human eye focuses on one spot then another, then another etc. Some people get pretty expert and speedy, but cannot hope to read even a tiny fraction of all human kind’s published knowledge. Superman though, can see bullets and is dexterous at super speeds, so I think he should be at least able to read way faster than the fastest human. Way being in metric and at least as fast as Johnny-5 from Short Circuit. Maybe it’s cause he was raised in Kansas. They don’t seem to be known for their book learnin’ there, or maybe he was just always busy on the farm. I often find myself wishing I’d learned to fix a tractor instead of reading Great Expectations. And really, it might be a good thing that Clark didn’t become super intelligent. I know that the more books and information I take in, the more depressed and disillusioned I get. Then again, maybe Clark has read every book and exhausted the resources at the Fortress of Solitude thus transcending philosophical query. This could explain why he is able to hold such conviction, be the judge of right and wrong and devote himself to preserving life and the greater good. Well…that’s maybe too optimistic. That is to believe that the end result of accumulation of knowledge has positive repercussions.

Then I wonder why I’m always wondering about fiction.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Robots are so cool! And not just because 'Rob' is in the word. I think the word also comes from the Czech or Slovak for serf, I guess that's robota or robotnik. Then there's that RUR guy Karel Capek who used it in its present meaning.
Anyways. Despite being so excellent, they're a huge pain to draw. As you can see I gave up above.
On the news the other day there was a Honda robot conducting an orchestra. I mean neat! If kids nowadays won't grow up with any appreciation of culture, at least the machines created in man's image will. I'm maybe getting a little excited. But I guess I just wish that I had a plasma cannon for a right arm. That could be inconvenient in the shower, so it's probably for the best.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

'sup Parn

Last night I caught the end of the Chronic -WHAT? - cles of Narnia.