Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saved by the Bill

So, I recently finished reading Teklords by William Shatner, a man probably best known for his prior work: Tekwars. Though I didn't feel particularly enriched after having read this novel, I found it pretty entertaining, if not merely because Shatner continually amazed me with his ability to produce cliche after cliche in this sci-fi thriller.
Really, the most frustrating part is that its something like 150 years in the future and there's no cell phones, but they have Skype (see above). Oh well, you can't predict the future I guess, except that he published this book in 1991. I'm pretty sure Zach Morris had a cell phone.

Memories of a garage band

Check it. Weezer is on auto tune the news.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Herman -o Brother

Oh snap. I realized I never posted the results of the Narcissus and Goldmund poll. Just like Narcissus, he brought a holy beat down on Goldmund, but was cool about it. Three to nil. Amazingly Narcissus won. What does that say about my readers. All three of them. Anywhap, good book. I recommend it for a midlife crisis.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The hells are alive with the sound of manga

So, as I read page after page of manga, I usually have my media player on shuffle playing through my whole library. Occasionally a song plays that suits the page I'm reading to a T. Then I'm like, wouldn't it be awesome if the music always suited the page. I guess I've got to watch movies. Anyways I guess it's nice to know that odds are, if I keep reading manga and keep listening to music, sooner or later that one page is gonna be perfect.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Community Collage

Remember in 1997 when everyone made collages? Oh yeah.

Check out this collage I made when I was 17. ha... poop.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rob reviews books he accidentally took a picture of

From Right to left,

101 Amazing card tricks: Amazing. Though I lack the dexterity due to not practicing at all.

The g.i. diet: Have not read, but sounds delicious.

Scott Pilgrim 4: The art totally changed in this one. Scott cuts a woman in half and there's some cool swords. Awesome.

Scott Pilgrim 3: I KNEW VEGANS HAD SUPERPOWERS! Though the DBZ rips are good.

Scott Pilgrim 2: This book is excellent becaus they go to the library. Casa Loma would also be an awesome level on THPS.

Scott Pilgrim 1: Bollywood kicks.

Scott Pilgrim 5: Scott fights a robot. Something else happened. OK.

Scott Pilgrim 6: I think this one is actually an ad for Bryan Lee O'Malley's line of clothing. Swords!

L'Etranger: I read the translation. True existentialists be warned, this world will ruin you by way of social contract. But no use crying about it. Also some pretty excellent stuff when his mind breaks.

Le Livre De Mon Ami: Did not read.

Canadian Short Stories: Did not read these ones.

The Ionian Mission: This one has lots of seagoing in it, and some good naval action. Mowatt was still alive too.

Evolution and Christian Faith: This book argues that Christian faith and the theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive beliefs. I guess I agree with the basic message of the book, but the book was painful to read. I think the author was trying too hard to be conciliatory and constantly dampened her arguments.

The Economics of Education: I only read a couple of pages of this one. Dry. Maybe I'll try again someday.

American Psycho: I only saw the movie. Why do you think I'm scared of Neo-Cons. Man Batman is crazy.

Oresteia: So I think I read this back in university, but I can't really remember what goes on. Like every other greek play it either blew my mind or made me want to stab myself.

The Stagnant Society: Did not read.

Tit-Coq: Did not read.

Candide: Did not read.

The Lives of Girls and Women: Did not read.

Above Ground: Did not read.

Man that was more books than I thought when it first occurred to me to do this. Luckily I haven't read most of them.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Motor ration

Dig it. I made the rear wiper work again. I thought it might be clever or artsy to photograph my samsnug photo of the motor repair, but really it's laziness. It is a chore to get pictures off that phone. Let me tell you. Let me.