Sunday, November 22, 2009

Warm action

So today I got a new toy. And it was free. It's an ancient snow blower. I know it's bad for the environment but I like burning gas. I also have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of fun fixing this one. It looks almost exactly like the one above except rustier. I'm just not sure if it's ever going to snow this year. It was over 10 degrees today and this warm action shows no sign of stopping. Now I have even more reason for wanting it to snow. That is besides the usual reason of fall sucking.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

ghost face road killah

I remember.. way way back in the 90s, I was in a mall in Pittsburgh when I bought a CD by a band called the Good Rats. Some of the music was ok, but it was very angry. I think I bought it because the CD was $1.99 or something.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hand signs

Thanks everyone, here's some fanart for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lucky solid

Funny video on
Sorry, I'm not good enough at HTML to make this a video.

Not everyone likes surprises. Really?!! I guess I don't.. but what really got me thinking about this commercial was dumb luck. Is this guy lucky? Sort of? I mean sure his fiancee is making out with his Dad, but at least it was before he got married. Then again, I guess it's not so hard to get a divorce anymore.
Man I want a classic Mr. Sub sandwich right now.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

No. Where man?

The results of the favourite Beatle poll are in. Though there was a tie for the lead, I'm astounded that John Lennon only got 0%. I was sure he was more popular than that.