Thursday, August 28, 2008

Grease Monkey

Aww cheez. Today I tried to change the oil in my car. But I can't seem to get the drain plug out. That seems to slow down the whole operation. I don't want to strip the bolt, or resort to having to remove the whole pan. oi.
So I must take it to a professional, already breaking the promise I made with myself that I would do all the work on that car myself. Oh well. I had fun jacking up my car and then lowering it down again.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cage match

Well, the results of the 16th century Japanese political philosophy poll are in. Looks like Tokugawa Leyasu won.

Secret Sauce

Wow. So on Monday it was hot and sunny and I mowed the lawn. This may not seem like anything special, except that it has rained just about every day since May. In fact it rained on Monday too, but only for a brief while in the afternoon. I had almost forgotten how much more excellent it is mowing the lawn when it's hot and sunny. So much more excellent. Perhaps it is brightness of the golden rays that seem to wash away the general malaise weeks and weeks of greyness seems to bestow upon its victims. Or maybe it's the super sunburn I got.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Node to self

Well it's been a crazy coupla weeks. Just one more final to go.
Here's how I remember the disadvantages of the payback method of capital project analysis: If I sell my soul to the devil so I can play guitar like a young Clapton, sure, the immediate benefits are obvious, but I might still get hit by a bus tomorrow, and the long-term doesn't look so good. Also, If I just applied myself a bit more, I wouldn't have to deal with the devil at all.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Well the results of the Farley Mowat poll are in. Funny there's no 1.5 votes.
I must be psychic or something, because about a week after the poll went up I finished The Boat Who Wouldn't Float, and then read Swamp Angel, as though to fulfill some destiny I may or may not have of reading mediocre Canadian writing.
Has Rob become a critic? Stay tuned. Or don't, the answer is 'no'.